Trial Class – Here’s How!

Trial classes are an excellent way to experience our classes and see if they are the right fit for you or your child. By attending a trial class, you can get a sense of the teaching style, the class environment, and the overall experience. It's a risk-free way to explore our offerings and decide if you want to enroll in a full program.

Additionally, if you decide to enroll on the day of your trial, the cost of the trial class is deducted from your enrollment program, making it a financially sound decision as well. This way, you can make sure that you are fully satisfied and confident with your decision before committing.

Trial Class Fees:

1-hour class $10 (Ages 4 - 12)

2-hour class $20 (Ages 13 - Adult)

If you have any questions or are interested in scheduling a trial class, feel free to call us at 949-609-1600. We welcome visitors who are interested in auditing one of our classes and we're looking forward to hearing from you!


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